Saturday, 14 March 2015

Your tongue

The tongue is very powerful. Be very careful with how you talk .
Don't just say whatever you want without thinking, sometimes the Devil manipulates you and trys to mess with your mind so you can say stupid things.
When you're angry or sad just talk to God .
Don't use your mouth to curse yourself. sometimes we wonder what is going on in our lives but we tend to forget the things we've said in the past.

It could seem crazy but when you're sick do not accept that instead tell yourself that you are strong or when you're sad don't claim it. You are just letting the devil win because that is exactly what he wants to hear.  If you are going through a problem, don't just turn away from God sometimes things happen in our lives just to test our faith. Don't let the devil win by saying this is too big for me. You were not born to accept any sickness, you were not born to accept failure neither were you born to accept pain. These are just the evil things on earth and they don't belong to you as far as you know who you are in Christ.

Sometimes people find themselves in situations where they feel its beyond them, but do you know its not beyond God your father. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, not made to be sick or to go through pain. so when something happens to you why do you accept it? why do you say oh this is my cross and all sorts. NO NO NO, you were not born for that we all have a purpose in life.

Don't let your faith go down the drain just like that, please this is what the devil wants you need to know who you are in christ and what you walk in. You need to know what you carry, don't let anyone tell you what you can do and what you can't do. Aim high, dream big you can achieve anything you want once you put your mind to it and with God on your side. If school or work or life isn't really going well, keep trying don't use your own tongue to destroy your own dreams. The obstacles we go through in life are just challenging your faith, dont let the devil win by giving in. Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Always say positive things about yourself and life. Stop talking too much and be a Doer

Remember Carnally minded is death, but Spiritually minded is Life and Peace.
Have a blessed week guys

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