There is so much pressure on single women in the society now in having a husband, or even being in a relationship. so many single women are consumed with the idea of having a boyfriend or being in a relationship or getting married. Many are not ready for this relationship they feel they need, so some settle for less than what they deserve. Settling for a relationship that God does not want, a relationship that does not add to your life or even increase your spiritual growth.
That is not a relationship from God, many are so engrossed in the idea that God could use you to make a man a believer or what not. Change can only come from God and from someone who acknowledges the fact that they need to change, and not you forcing it on them. Being in a relationship with someone who is not passionate about God like you is the worst thing you can do to yourself. For a man to be able to understand how to have a relationship with you, he has to have a relationship with the most high which is God. When he does that foundation will be solid, he will be patient with you and will know how to behave. If he has that relationship with God who is the most high how wont he know how to treat you like the Queen that you are?
Having said that. .... Timing really is everything with God, you have to know how to wait on God. you have to deal with all your demons, deal with all your past issues and be sure you are ready for whatever God has in stock for you. Don't get into a relationship if you know old issues and your demons have not been dealt with or if you've not HEARD from God. You will ruin that relationship with your past. Past and future don't belong together. There is a place for the past and there is a place for the future. They don't belong in the same place.
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